Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Physician FAQs - part 2

The Hire Connection often gets asked some common questions from Physicians that we recruit for medical healthcare opportunities.  Here are some of them with our answers!

Absolutely! An interview that doesn’t include the spouse or significant other is certainly a trip that won’t accomplish the results you desire. Relocating to a new community is a large decision and probably won’t be made without some input from the other party. The Opportunity will almost always pay for the spouse or significant other to join you.
  • Net Income Guarantee-This is a popular arrangement presented to physicians if they are considering private practice. You are guaranteed a set amount of money for a period of one year and typically this is coupled with covering your overhead expenses with relation to your practice. The downside of this arrangement is that if you don’t generate enough net revenue to cover your compensation and overhead expenses, you are required by law to pay back the difference. This can be paid back with actual money or through a forgiveness period. The forgiveness period usually encompasses 3-4 years during which time the opportunity forgives a portion of the debt for every month you provide medical care in the community.
  • Gross Collection Guarantee-This arrangement is similar to a Net Income Guarantee. The big difference is you have a set amount of money that is guaranteed and includes overhead expenses. This serves as an incentive to control your outgoing practice expenses.
  • Employee-There are a litany of employee arrangements. You need to know what is the production bonus and how it is calculated. What is the term of the agreement and how can you be terminated? All employee contracts will have “with cause” language dictating how you can be determined. This typically includes items such as, conviction of a felony, loss of hospital privileges, loss of a DEA number, death, or other events that would prevent you from practicing medicine effectively. The “without cause” language is the part of the contract that you must study thoroughly, as the language can be vague.
NOTE: There are other types of contracts, but the above mentioned contracts are the most popular forms.

This is your decision, but you should be aware that until a recruiter has a signed contract from a physician they will continue to source candidates. As we like to say, it is not a beauty contest where we start with a long list and go through a series of interviews. The opportunity will close the search when they have secured a candidate they believe will be a great fit in their community.

The Hire Connection offers its clients the industry's most comprehensive range of healthcare recruitment services. Coupling technology, expertise and accountability, The Hire Connection services are designed to source, screen, qualify, present and place the RIGHT providers to satisfy recruitment goals and improve provider retention. Give us a call today!

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