Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our Technology makes the difference!

Some thing never change

The only thing that hasn’t changed in the recruiting world is the fact that nothing has changed. Van Allen was one of the early pioneers of the healthcare recruiting world and he finds it absolutely staggering that some things never change. Like how candidates are sourced for practice opportunities either by in-house recruiters or recruiting firms. Virtually, every firm out there is doing it the same way they did back in 1987. Oh, the mail piece might look a little different and to save money they might go 3rd class instead of 1st class but when it’s all said and done it’s still a piece of mail that gets shoved into a mailbox.
The USPS is closing down offices all over the country with the threat of closing down more. There are discussions to close down Saturday service and the USPS is 15 Billion in debt. News flash, they aren’t in debt because people are over using them. They got in this position because there is technology available that has replaced this worn out turtle. The American people simply don’t mail things anymore. These aren’t my facts, they are on the news every night, just flip the TV and watch any news network.


Some things we changed

THC scrubs all available data not only enhances the integrity of the data but we acquire:
cell phone numbers
home phone numbers
personal & professional email addresses
home mailing addresses

The reason the recruiting company is charging you .85 per email is because the list company is charging them .40 per email and they want to profit from this. We don’t rely on list companies for email addresses we append our own data own the email addresses. That enables us to launch as many E-blasts as we feel are necessary to source candidates for your opportunity.

Campaigning with more than a postcard!

Once we acquire the appropriate data we can then launch a powerful campaign that includes but is certainly not limited to:
Voice Blasting
Text Blasting
Email Blasting
Customized direct mail campaigns to both homes & offices
Our very own proprietary Landing Page that has video interactive capabilities

We capture & keep the data in a comprehensive system

Every time we launch a campaign, we provision and assign 5 unique toll free numbers to each mode of communication we utilize to launch your opportunity message. This does two things for us. It tells us where each and every lead is generated from and it serves as a sophisticated voice mail system. Every time a provider presses send on the phone we have captured that phone number. We know what mode of communication they are calling from. We know what their specialty is. And we know what opportunity they are calling about. We embrace a very exhaustive comprehensive system that connects your opportunity message with the candidate but we also have the ability to capture data that would otherwise be lost.

We work fast

The speed in which we launch your campaign is so much faster than any firm in the industry. While the competition is creating their mail piece with proof after proof and trying to decide on those life altering decisions like which photo to use: “Should we use snowcapped mountain as the backdrop or should we use the balloon festival picture from last year”, we already have you campaign created and launched and sourcing qualified candidates. THC has its own full time creative writing department that crafts and frames your opportunity message to get optimal response rates. 

Let our technology make all the difference in your next recruiting search!

The Hire Connection offers its clients the industry's most comprehensive range of recruitment services.  Coupling technology, expertise and accountability, The Hire Connection services are designed to source, screen, qualify, present and place the RIGHT providers to satisfy recruitment goals and improve provider retention.  Give us a call today!


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