Friday, June 19, 2015

The Physician Shortage Is Coming. Are You Prepared?

Our nation is about to experience the greatest physician shortage we've ever seen. How will you ensure that your facility remains staffed to meet the increasing demand for healthcare services? Are you taking the appropriate measures? The Hire Connection is here to help you prepare for the upcoming challenges.

The Looming Physician Shortage

The Assocation of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has released a report stating that the United States will be short 46,000-90,000 physicians by as soon as 2025. Unfortunately, this shortage is expected to perfectly coincide with a 35% increase in the number of Americans over the age of sixty-five (according to the Census Bureau).

This shortage will be especially problematic for our aging population. Our lifespans are increasing, but our overall health is decreasing. Poor diets, exposure to harmful chemicals and substances, and inadequate exercise are causing people to develop chronic diseases that require extra care as we approach old age. With a shortage of physicians on staff, many healthcare facilities may find it challenging to meet the increasing demand for care.

Staying Ahead Of The Curve

The AAMC predicts that we have only one decade before the physician shortage hits. With such little time to spare, it is crucial that you begin taking steps now to get ahead of the curve and ensure that your facility will be fully staffed. Here are a few key suggestions from our medical recruiting company.

1. Design Creative Compensation Packages
With so many hospitals looking for physicians, doctors will be able to be very selective about the positions they choose to pursue. By developing unique compensations that include non-monetary benefits, you can make your opportunity stand out. Increased vacation days, flexible scheduling, retirement plans, insurance, childcare, and cell phone plans are great examples of non-monetary benefits that may attract qualified physicians.

2. Keep Physician Satisfaction High
Everyone talks about customer satisfaction, but employee satisfaction is just as important. By keeping your current physicians happy, you can prevent the need of having to hire new doctors altogether. Actively focusing on improving the culture within your healthcare facility will help you retain your top physicians. Not only that, but your staff will be more likely to sing your facility's praises to other doctors that they know (which will make hiring easier when the time does come).

3. Promote Your Opportunities - Everywhere
How do you increase your likelihood of finding the perfect candidate for your position? By increasing your pool of candidates to interview. You can attract more applicants by spreading the word about your opportunity and actively promoting it via several different mediums. Social media is a big part of medical recruiting in today's world. Target physicians on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to find qualified candidates for your position. See our earlier blog post to learn about how The Hire Connection uses content marketing in our medical recruiting efforts.

4. Contact The Hire Connection For Help!
Your facility will be competing against others all across the United States for the nation's best physicians. As the leader in the physician recruiting industry, The Hire Connection has perfected the approach that will connect the perfect physician to your opportunity. Not only that, but we offer an all-inclusive pricing structure that guarantees you won't be hit with any surprise costs. 

It's Time To Take Action!

As the AAMC says in regards to the upcoming physician shortage, "It's coming. It matters. It's time to act." Don't wait until its too late - give us a call to begin preparing today!


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