Friday, August 12, 2016

Recruiting 101 - Tell Your Story to Attract the Best Talent

Many experts believe that the United States faces an emergency in healthcare with a massive physician shortage looming. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, the US will face a shortage of 90,000 physicians by 2020, and 130,000 by 2025. This prediction means that the available talent pool for filling your medical facilities opportunities is shrinking and that recruitment efforts for these physicians becomes even more complicated. With the private sector also competing for this talent (pharmaceutical, medical device, biotech companies as examples), your recruiting efforts need to be honed to new levels of effectiveness. At the best medical recruiting company in the US, The Hire Connection team has learned that "Telling Your Story" can make the difference in landing the right physician for your opportunity.

Telling Your Story

Doing this the same old way does not work anymore. Talking about upward advancement, higher pay, blah, blah, blah, is not the best way to tell your story. Most candidates already understand that if they stick around long enough, their career and pay will advance. These candidates most likely have heard the same stories from other recruiters as well. Tell your candidates a story that will resonate with them, and pique their interest in your opportunity.

Have a Compelling Voice in Your Story

Effective story telling is based on how well you can capture the attention of the audience and engage them on an emotional level. One way to do this is to have your current physicians tell their stories. How did they come to the conclusion that the particular hospital was right for them? What reasons were compelling to them? What struck a chord in them about choosing the opportunity?  Let your physicians do the recruiting for you!

Tell Their Family a Story

If you can tell the physicians family a great story about the opportunity, you are more likely to have the candidate say "yes". Talk about why your current physicians love the schools, the dining, the shopping, the recreational activities in the area, and why quality of life is so high. This quite often is more important to the candidate and their family than compensation or advancement opportunities.  

Consider the Millennials

Millennials think a little differently than older candidates. They often have demands for work/life balances and require more flexibility than experienced physicians. Millennials are much more motivated by having "fun" at work than older healthcare professionals. Tell your story in a way that will appeal to your younger candidates and you will find success. 

The Hire Connection is a premier medical recruiting firm that is well known for matching qualified physicians with employers and healthcare providers. We can "Tell Your Story" for you in an effective and financially efficient way for your next opportunity. Give us a call and we will tell you "Our Story"!

Let's Connect!

Physician Opportunities Blog

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